Cardinal Cabins has trail access via approved town dirt roads. The local area has been working through the years to increase the ATV trails and access to them. Roads that are ATV accessible are clearly marked, so if it isn't marked, don't go on it :-).
Pittsburg NH ATV Riding
From the cabins, head up the hill on Cardinal Drive (do not go down the hill towards Rt 3.) go left on Hill Danforth Rd. then left on Fern Dr. At the end of Fern, you will cross Rt. 3 and go right on 142. Follow the signs from there to get to the trails. First and foremost, be safe, use good sense and have a great time.

General Trail Map

Below is a map and two GPS files that a guest provided to us for you to download. One is in Garmin native format and the other is in a generic .gpx format. Note: Trails always change throughout the years and even within the season. Always follow trail postings, do not go by maps, and do not rely on GPS. 

Pittsburg NH ATV Trail Map

This is not a GPS map it is a collection of "tracks" in the area. These GPS files are provided for personal use only, they are not to be sold or re-distributed - all rights reserved. Use at your own risk!

Pittsburg NH ATV GPS Map in Garmin Format
Pittsburg NH ATV GPS Map

Pittsburg NH ATV GPS Map in Generic GPX Format
Pittsburg NH ATV GPS Map GPX

YouTube Video

A guest video RZR riding on the Pittsburg ATV trails.



The Local Club


Make sure to check out Cardinal Cabins' exclusive access to the Pittsburg part of Ride the Wilds - a thousand mile interconnected series of ATV and UTV trails that go throughout northern New Hampshire!